Anticipation She's not only a VH1 Artist to Watch, but also a Starbucks cafe broadcastee. With such cred, we dive in.
Vocals The best word to describe Feist's voice is genuine. It's slighty scratchy, flater than you might expect, but clearly demonstrates range. While the music emphasizes a regular, staccato speech pattern, the words come out more song than sentence.
Music It took a while to grow on me, but this is like indie updating big band music. It's bold, brassy, and but a gem.
Verses Is she meloncholy, whiny, remeniscent, or hopeful? All combine in her tone and lyrics during the verses.
Chorus The mood turns to be more in your face about life lessons. It's wishfully unapologetic and whimsical.
Hook Something as old as counting has been reinvented.
Breakdown It just makes me want to run through a field. And maybe fly a kite.
Lyrics Feist deals with her conflicted emotions about a cheater in a way that confronts her partner without gushing with rage. It's tasteful, tactful, delicate, and simply a complex tune. There is more than appears at first listen.
Hit Potential Low. Maybe on the adult alternative side.
Final Note
i expect you to be doing lots off research during your commute!
Ooooh I found the bandwidth leech! just kidding, leech away. Feist rocks.
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